7 Reasons to Install LED Underwater lighting in your Pool
Traditionally, pool designers have used old halogen light bulbs and white incandescent light to accentuate and decorate swimming pools. Indeed, a light system is one of the best ways to add visual interest to your pool – even though the pool itself is a stunning backyard feature. Recently, pool builders have realised that LED lighting offers a wider range of benefits for your pool while conserving energy and saving you money. Here are some reasons to use LED lights in your pool: Energy efficient While incandescent and halogen lights are more affordable, LED lights are more energy-efficient. By reducing your energy costs, you achieve greater savings in electricity bills in the long-term. Needs Low maintenance LED products generally require fewer replacement lamps, which means that you spend less time maintaining your pool lighting. LED lamps to contain tough diodes that last 20 times longer than delicate filaments in a glass vacuum. This translates ...